Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Anointing, Part 2

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord." (Isaiah 61:1,2)

As we mentioned in Part 1, these verses at the beginning of Isaiah 61 are prophetic of the ministry of Jesus on earth. He demonstrated this when He read them in the synagogue in His hometown of Nazareth at the beginning of His Messianic ministry. It is also obvious that the people who heard Him read the verses that day understood them to be Messianic prophecies. When he told them those Old Testament verses were beginning to be fulfilled that day, those who heard Him were at first curious because they had watched him grow up in that town. When He went on to say rather obliquely that His ministry was really only for those who were ready to receive it, they became very angry and attempted to kill Him. You can read that bit of history in Luke 4:18-29.

Again, as we said in Part 1, these verses are also prophetic of the ministry of Jesus' disciples on the earth. No, we do not mean the twelve He chose to accompany Him while He was on earth or even the one who took Judas' place after the betrayal. Of course they would be included in that group, but so would all of us. Yes, really. A disciple is a learner. Most of us do not know much except what we have learned from Jesus. At least we do not know much about spiritual life other than that. Ok, I feel the need to be fair. I should not have included all of you in that blanket indictment. I just know I do not know that much of any real value that I have not learned from Jesus. Sometimes he teaches me through the Bible, sometimes through other people or things those people have written. Sometimes He teaches me directly through the Holy Spirit speaking to my spirit. However it happens, if I learn, I am a disciple--and so are you.

I wonder if you also have the same problem I do thinking about all Jesus might want me to do. I do not know how much that is or how great those things are, but I am pretty sure it is more than I am doing now. In any event, having my ministry compared to Jesus' ministry always leaves me feeling as though I am coming up a little short. I wonder if that might be part of the reason Jesus chose the men He chose to be His first disciples? They were uneducated and untrained men. That is what the religious leaders of the day said. But they also took note of the fact those men had been with Jesus. (Acts 4:13) Maybe if Jesus is just too high a standard for us to reach, we can at least relate to fishermen, tax collectors, and other ordinary men.

One can get all the spiritual and religious education that is necessary to do most ministry without ever darkening the door of a Bible college or seminary. One can also end up holding some pretty ridiculous ideas when he learns theology in a vacuum as it were, without the benefit of people wiser and more experienced than himself. By way of illustration of this, perhaps the most ridiculous idea we ever heard is that the original King James Bible is the onlyEnglish version God has approved. As proof, the man who told us that opened to the first page of his King James Bible where it said, "Authorized Version." Talk about deception. He actually believed God, rather than King James of England had authorized that version. We might as well go on to another subject. There does not seem to be much else we can say about that.

Looking back at those verses from Isaiah 61, and taking a step back to get the bigger picture, we can see Jesus' ministry is all about putting things right in people's lives. He came to bring the Gospel (good news) to those who needed some. He came to heal physical and emotional hurts and to free those who were in bondage. Maybe most importantly, He came to show us that with His coming, all that began. All that began. Twice should be enough to say that. We are not awaiting some day in the future to see Jesus work His love, miracles and healings. He is doing it now. He began to do it when He started His earthly ministry. He is doing it now through His Holy Spirit anointed Church. There are some religious traditions that leave the ministry of the Holy Spirit only within the pages of the Bible. The adherents of those traditions actually believe the gifts of the Holy Spirit ceased to be necessary when the Bible was completed. That is just silly. (I could go on, but I dare not lest I never finish this post.)

Now listen, get this straight in your thinking. Although all three members of the Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit work together, there is only one of them that carries the majority of the work on earth in any period of time. The Father was the one who worked from the creation until Jesus, the Son, began His ministry. Jesus ministered for a little over three years. By His own words, we know He turned the ministry over to the Holy Spirit when He returned to His place at the right hand of the Father. (John 16:7)

The Holy Spirit has been constantly at work on the earth since Jesus returned to heaven. He works behind the scenes as it were. His job is to glorify Jesus, convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgement, and to lead us into all truth. (John 16:8-14)

The apostle Peter, in explaining God's plan of salvation tells us that, "...God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power..." (Acts 10:38) Sometimes the prepositions can help us understand the concepts in the Bible. In this case, "with" indicates the Holy Spirit is the substance of the anointing. The ability, the power, to do the works comes along with the Holy Spirit. This can be a little confusing, but the Holy Spirit is what Jesus was anointed with, while power is what was observed as a result of that anointing. In this case, the power was Jesus' ability for "...doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil..." (Acts 10:38) Wait, you get more.

The apostle Paul tells us, "Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God." (1 Corinthians 1:21) Hang on now. The clear teaching, when we put these two verses together, is the same God who anointed Jesus has also anointed us. That almost sounds too good to be true. It is not. All we have to do is add one more verse from the apostle John and we know we are anointed. "But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you..." (1 John 2:27) Notice that we have already been anointed. That applies to everyone who has made Jesus Lord of his or her life. No exceptions.

To put the bow on this package, a quick recap is in order. We learned the anointing breaks the yoke of bondage. The anointing was given to Jesus. We were also anointed with Him and by Him to carry out His work on earth. That means we have all the ability Jesus had to do the things He did while he walked the earth in flesh and blood. The anointing that gave Him that ability was the Holy Spirit. We have also been anointed with the same Holy Spirit. About all we can say to end this is that we all have the ability to work the works we are called to. All we need to do is to go do them. Whatever God has called you to do, just do it.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Anointing, Part 1

Please pray for me. I have been struggling. I have to assume it is my fault since we know the Lord does not make mistakes. There have been more random thoughts rolling around in my mind lately then there have been focused thoughts. That is why these posts are so far apart lately. I refuse to do shabby work. There just has not been any inspiration. There has been a lot of stress and distraction lately and apparently I do not handle those things as well as I might.

I started writing a post last night, but that would have ended up being shabby work I think. If one simply wants to write, that is not a problem. The substance of the writing is the point. Perhaps there will be more substance here. Plato said, "Wise men speak because they have something to say, fools because they have to say something." No, we are not often inclined to quote Plato in these pages, but truth is truth. In any event, I guess my soul was quiet enough in the shower this morning to hear one word, "anointing". Now I have something to say.

When I hear a word or phrase in my spirit, other words, thoughts and Bible verses often begin to tumble out. This morning, "ability" was right behind "anointing". Behind that, Isaiah 10:27, "...And the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil." Following on its heels was Luke 4:18,19 which is a quote from Isaiah 61:1,2, which you regular readers may remember are the verses the Lord gave me oh so many years ago as my call to the ministry. About the time I heard those verses today I knew there would be too much information to get everything that needed to be said about the anointing into one post.

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord." (Isaiah 61:1,2) Let me add a disclaimer to that.

Believe it or not, I have actually had people say to me that God would not have used those verses to call me to the ministry. Their reasoning (read as soul) brought them to the conclusion that these verses only apply to Jesus, not anyone else. I am not allowed to use profanity in these posts so may I just say, the ignorance of such a belief is, well, beyond ignorant. In fact, I began to protest when I realized what God was saying to me during that time of calling. He assured me He wants me to be just like Jesus. Let me let you in on a little secret. God wants you to be just like Jesus as well. These verses actually represent exactly what God expects us to do as the body of Christ on earth in these last days.

When we see references to the anointing in the Old Testament, as in the verses in Isaiah quoted above, they do not refer to the results of the anointing, but rather to the action or the substance (oil) of the anointing. In other words, we do not see the enabling or ability that results from one being anointed. Instead, we see the noun "oil" or the verb, "to apply the oil". In fact the two passages in Isaiah show us both those things. The yoke is broken by the anointing oil (noun) and the Spirit is upon Jesus because God anointed (verb) Him. We will come back and discuss those two passages in more detail later in this series if not in this post.

Our real anointing comes from the Holy Spirit in these last days. That anointing was not available before Jesus returned to heaven. Many churches will anoint people who are starting in new places of ministry or are being sent out from their fellowship to begin some other ministry. There is, of course, no magic in the oil of the anointing or in the prayer per se, but we are invoking the real power, the Holy Spirit, to work in and through the ones being anointed. The anointing in the Old Testament points us toward the coming of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament. He is the real substance, if you will, of the anointing. When He anoints us, we have the ability to do those things in the spirit we would never have been able to do without His help. He also does anoint our own natural abilities so that our minds and emotions are elevated to levels that would otherwise not be possible.

Before we collect too many more passages on the anointing, let us first discuss the two we have already mentioned. In Isaiah 11:27 we are told the anointing oil breaks the yoke. Again, there is no magic in the oil used for anointing. Isaiah is foretelling the future in this verse as he is in 61:1,2 which we will discuss shortly. In context, God is telling Israel they will be punished for turning away from Him. He will use the Assyrians to bring the punishment. Once that is done, Israel will return to God and the Assyrians will be punished for not honoring God. This kind of thing seems to trip some people up. It is simply the classic battle between good and evil. The only real difference here is that God is telling us beforehand what He is going to do. It would all be the same if the Assyrians (God's enemies) attacked Israel (God's people) and were punished for it. We would have no problem with that. There should be no problem in understanding this scenario either. The Assyrians are going to attack Israel because they are just that kind of people. That is what they do. God is going to use that attack and the subsequent difficulties to show Israel His power in bringing them back to their land in peace. He is also going to punish Assyria for attacking His people. The spiritual lessons for us here are that God will bring punishment on us for disobeying His commands. He will also punish those who attack us--regardless of their reasons for doing so.

When we disobey God we allow the devil to place a yoke on our necks. He uses this yoke to make us do his work. His work is to steal and to kill and to destroy. (John 10:10) In an honest moment, most of us would have to admit we do the devil's work much more often than we would like to. The remedy for this situation, the release from the yoke is the anointing. Note that this scenario plays itself out in the lives of believers every day. We sin. When we do not immediately confess our sin and repent, Satan has the legal right to place a yoke on our necks. The thing that removes that yoke is the anointing. That anointing comes from the anointed One, the Christ (the term Christ literally means "the anointed one"). Jesus Christ is still the anointed One. His anointing is also upon His anointed ones, acting in His behalf, doing His work on earth today. It is the anointing that is the ability to do the yoke breaking work that can be done no other way.

Ok, so we are not going to get to Isaiah 61 this time. We will not keep you waiting too long for the second installment, Lord willing. In the meantime, begin to recognize the anointing in your lives and in the lives of others. See you soon. God bless.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Cause and Effect

In the physical world we are pretty good at understanding cause and effect. We know, for example, that if we do not take care of our bodies, we will suffer various health issues. Likewise, if our car breaks down, we can often trace the problem to a lack of proper maintenance. Most of still have a problem believing that if a butterfly flaps it's wings in an Argentine rain forest the effects will be felt very far from that butterfly. Although, of course, that action is a micro-example of the chaos theory which is used to determine the effects of seemingly random occurrences. I really do not know exactly what I am talking about there, but I hope it sounded good.

When it comes to the world of the spirit, that realm where God lives and functions, we are a lot less capable. We tend to think things just happen and sometimes there is simply no explanation for them. We see things happen in the physical world and often do not consider that we are seeing things with spiritual roots or origins. We need to clear that misconception up right now. Nothing happens for unexplainable reasons. The closest that concept comes to reality is if we change a few letters and make the word "unexplained" rather than "unexplainable". Sometimes we simply do not know the reasons. God always does. Not only does He know the reasons things go right, He knows the reasons things go wrong. If we are able to tap into the Spirit of God, we then become privy to things that are beyond our scope of knowledge or understanding.

The purpose of this blog is to make The Church in Santa Maria aware of the presence of a religious spirit over this valley. We are delighted to have people reading and praying and agreeing with us to win the victory in seeing this spirit vanquished. It is interesting to us that, at least to this date, we have not had a backlash from the religious spirit, or have we? I am doing a little "writing therapy" right now. I do not expect to hit the publish button before I go back to bed. It is shortly after 1 AM. I do not do well with much of anything at this time of day. Right now I have an unusual amount of stress to deal with. I will not give details except to say yesterday's staff meeting, my email box, and a bunch of whining from adult men almost did me in yesterday. I actually got angry for a moment and said something I had to apologize for. That has not happened for awhile. That is either confirmation of my humanity or spiritual warfare or maybe both.

Remember, the religious spirit is insidious and entrenched to the point that people who know there is spiritual warfare going on think they are winning. In fact, there can be no victory as long as the religious spirit is holding the reigns. It allows a victory here and there such as happened recently when a large church was given a very large check to pay off the mortgage on their building. God is still working. Make no mistake about that. He could simply wave His hand and vanquish the religious spirit. He does not work that way. He works through His Church to accomplish His will on the earth. He is literally waiting for us.

We have given a lot of information over the past several months about the religious spirit, it's works, and a little bit about how to defeat it. This will be the 47th post to this blog. God bless you if you have read them all! Something tells me that number 50 will be somehow significant. I hope it is the Holy Spirit I am hearing. The stress I mentioned earlier is either going to cause things to get better where we are or move us along to who knows where. It is almost time to rise up and join the battle.

I just received an email from Dani Johnson inviting me to her Los Angeles seminar. I am not going, but part of me would certainly like to. Dani is an awesome business woman and carries a definite, prophetic anointing as well. I mention that because, as a business woman, she mentioned in the email that it takes around ninety days of hard work to know if you are going the right direction in a new business venture. We know we are going the right direction in this spiritual venture. So far we still do not know how well what we are doing is working. We are simply being faithful to our plan, which is to do as the Holy Spirit directs. We are just not quite sure at this point what the next step is. We will be giving definite strategies for winning spiritual warfare possibly as soon as the next post. One thing about being led by the Holy Spirit is there is no point in concerning ourselves with the future because He is holding it and only revealing it at the proper time. I suppose we could worry about it. You know, just because it is unknown and all, but what a futile, waste of time that would be. God has it all under control and His promise is that He will cause everything to work together for our good. (Romans 8:28)

I am not sure whether to call this an exhortation, a word of encouragement, or perhaps even a little bit of comfort. Then again, what is in a name anyway? (That was William Shakespeare was it not?) We are going the right direction. It looks like this time is the time to come together as those who see the battle. Others will join one or two at a time. We might even win the battle and no one will know what happened, how it happened or who was involved. Who said, "It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit."? Oh yes, it was President Harry S. Truman. He was president when I was born, you know. See you soon. God bless.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Our Salvation--Yours and Mine

My wife reminded me the other day, of a verse of scripture that had come to mean a great deal to me in the early '90s at a time of great financial stress and lack of suitable employment. Without going into a lot of detail, suffice it to say the economy was nearly as bad in this area as it is now. The space shuttle Challenger had been lost in 1986 and the United States Congress had subsequently decided to shelve Space Launch Complex 6 at Vandenberg AFB which was to have been the West Coast Shuttle launch facility. Many people who had been working on the project found themselves unemployed by 1988 and were looking for any kind of employment so they could keep their homes and stay in the area. That was not the best time for us to have returned to Santa Maria, but we still feel it was the right time. We humans learn a lot from stress as we work our way through it and come out the other side in victory.

The verse she reminded me of is Isaiah 30:15, "...In returning and rest you shall be saved; In quietness and confidence shall be your strength..." Returning, of course, means coming back to the Lord. That does not necessarily mean we have turned away from God. It is any area in which we are not pressing in as we once had been. In our case it meant giving all our challenges and stresses over to God. We had been operating in our own strength, thinking we could solve those challenges on our own. Of course we knew better, but times of stress sometimes cause our emotions to take over for our good sense and keep us from hearing our spirit. The meaning of the word returning is to turn and go the opposite direction from that which we had been going, to repent. Rest is to rest in the Lord. Come back and rest He says. Give him the trials and challenges and rest in the assurance that He is handling them. The promise He gives when we do that is salvation. Turn from the way you have been going, handling things you cannot handle anyway, and give them over to Jesus. Trust Him to be Lord of your life. The result of that is salvation.

Salvation is so much more than being born again. In fact, being born again only gets us going the direction of salvation. We discussed this recently, but in case you missed it, the new birth is salvation from the guilt of sin. The process that begins there is called sanctification. That is the process of being made holy, having our sin fall away from us as we progressively walk with God and press into His way. It is the process of becoming free from the power of sin in our lives. Ultimately, salvation is being saved from the very presence of sin when our mortal bodies are miraculously changed and we go to live with God. Those are the things we are saved from, but even then we have only discussed part of salvation. The other side of salvation is what we are saved to. We are saved to having access to all the riches of God, all His power, and all His authority. It is true! God has placed all those things under mankind's authority on the earth. We live so far below His resources, most of us do not have a very good idea just how much more there is.

In one of his early books, perhaps even his first one, Prayer is Invading the Impossible, Dr. Jack Hayford had original quotes at the beginning of each chapter. The one I think I will never forget said, "When sub-normal is considered normal, then normal is thought to be abnormal." Normal for the Christian should be the envy of the world. We should be examples of love, happiness, security, fulfillment, and rest, just to mention a few. Our normal should look abnormal to the world.

When God handles things, they get handled. Sometimes we do not even understand how they got handled. It is almost like things just happened, almost as if miraculously. There are no miracles in heaven. Most people do not realize that. We rarely think about such things. God works in heaven. His works look like miracles to us because we do not know how they happened. Oh, sure, we might be able to follow the process from point to point to point. We know what happened, but we do not know how or why it happened. That is the work of God and it looks miraculous to us.

The reason we are telling you all this is because we are asking and believing God right now for something that will look like a miracle. (I almost made a BIG boo boo. I almost said it would look like a miracle if it happens.) It is going to happen. We are believing for a house where we can have a sort of on-site discipleship program. We expect people to come and live there for some period of time while they learn the lessons the Lord has for them to learn. After that, they will simply go wherever the Lord calls them to do whatever He tells them to do. We expect to have space available for itinerant ministers who need a place of rest or refreshing themselves. This has been a longtime vision that has looked more like a dream for years. Now the Lord is putting it together and it is exciting. In fact we already have a couple people interested in living with us and the Lord is speaking about some others as well. We will be interested to see how that all works out.

We already know where the house is. The problem is, we have no ability to possess it physically at this point. It is for sale so that is not the issue. The asking price is more than we have ever conceived of being able to spend for a house. Thankfully, the how to of the situation is not ours to worry about. We are working on possessing the house in the spirit and we know when we do that it will be ours in the physical realm.

What we are really asking you to do is to combine your faith and your prayers with ours. Looking at it naturally, we need to have the house by around the first of the year. Of course this is also one of those sooner is better things. That, of course, could cause us to take off in our own strength and really mess things up. We do have a considerable amount of experience in doing that. Please join your faith with ours and pray as the Lord directs. As always, let us know if you know something we need to know. God bless.