Sunday, January 20, 2013

Who I Am

Author's note:  It was eleven months ago, more or less, that I started this post. The balance just would not seem to come. I am leaving it as it was and finishing it. As a result, since it is not in chronological order, it may seem a little disjointed at least at the beginning. Thankfully, all you faithful readers of this blog are also intelligent enough to re-order as necessary and fill in the blanks.

As I wrote at the end of the previous post, it might have been awhile until there was another one. I just have to get on the same page with the Holy Spirit--and sooner would be better.

It is not difficult to imagine people reading many of the posts to this blog, especially the last two and asking themselves, "Who does he think he is?" It seems like it might be a good idea to answer that question. I know the answer to the question and many of my friends do as well. Here it is for the rest of you.

I am pretty sure they would not mind, as long as I give them credit, so I am going to let the recording group, Casting Crowns begin to help answer the question at hand.

I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
Vapor in the wind

Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours

Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are
I am Yours. Whom shall I fear, 'cause I am Yours.

I am nobody really. Then again I am somebody because somebody had to call our attention to the workings of a religious spirit--whether we listened or not. Now God is on record and we are responsible. Somebody had to do it and nobody else did. I will admit to possibly having delusions of granduer thinking that some of this blog could be turned into a book someday. Judging by the numbers of people reading the posts such a book might well sell twenty copies. Okay so it was not my best idea ever.

With that said, the blog is turning a corner (subject to change of course) to becoming more of...hmmm. It looks as though the blog is going to take a more practical turn. We will be doing a little more teaching, but our focus will be on countering the religious spirit through our actions. (I have no idea what I am writing about now, so I guess we will all find out together.) What I can tell you is, that at my age, one would think I should know a lot more than I do. What can I say? When I know it, you will know it because God has given us, "...this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us." (2 Corinthians 4:7) Some of us are just older dirt than others, and those who are have a responsibility to pass along what we have learned. I am taking that responsibility perhaps just a little more seriously and personally now. God bless!


  1. Rise up shepherd, rise up
    Your flock has roamed far from the hills
    The stars have faded, the sky is still
    The angels are shouting "Glory Hallelujah"

    Forty days and nights of rain have washed this land
    Jesus said the money changers in this temple will not stand
    Find your flock, get them to higher ground
    Flood waters rising and we're Caanan bound

    Tend to your flock or they will stray
    We'll be called for our service come Judgment Day
    Before we cross that river wide
    Blood on our hands will come back on us twice

    Rise up shepherd, rise up
    Your flock has roamed far from the hills
    Stars have faded, the sky is still
    Sun's in the heavens and a new day's rising

  2. C'mon Dave, the Bible says, ". . . nor give place to the devil." Eph 4:27. So why give place to the religious spirit? All you are doing is empowering him every time you bring him up!

  3. Interesting perspective. Did you read the context of your quote? Would Chapter 6 of Ephesians not have been a better place to for instruction in dealing with the religious spirit? Evil spirits lose their power when exposed by the light. Until that happens they hide in darkness and do their evil work.
