Saturday, January 1, 2011

Lead, Follow, or Get Out of The Way

We have often said, though not in these pages, that if you think you are a leader, look around. If no one is following, you are just out for a walk. We have taken a lot of walks over the course of the years. We have even taken some of those walks while we were supposed to be leading. I am not sure how it relates exactly, but have you ever wondered why God entrusts first children to new parents?

There was a time when our children and a couple other children were preteens. They were gathered around the table. They were eating lunch or playing a game or whatever and became involved in a spirited disagreement over something. The father of the other children said, "If at least one of you does not become a lawyer, it will be a great waste of natural talent." (None of them did, but one of them married an attorney.) We all tend to do that. We disagree with one another in a spirited or loud manner, usually over things that will soon be forgotten anyway.

I do not have to look far to understand where my children might have come up with the idea they need to present and defend their opinions. Their mother... (just kidding). Some positions are worth defending and some simply are not. (I am having a "Do I really want to go there" moment. I am not sure, but here goes anyway.) I recently heard a pastor say it is good to have a lot of different churches because people are all different. The second part of the statement is true, but I have to question the first part. I know I tend to be something of an idealist, but are not all those different people in those different churches there to worship the same Jesus? Are not all the pastors supposed to be leading their congregations into a better understanding of God?

I have become convinced that I can teach anyone who is willing to learn and I can learn from anyone who is able to teach--and even from some people who do not do it very well. Electronic media is great. Undoubtedly, many have come to faith in Jesus Christ through the spoken and written Word of God conveyed by electronic means. It has it's place, but it is not the same as being with other believers, worshipping in spirit and in truth (John 4:23). I have signed up for pod casts from several different, Godly men who have taught me a lot about different facets of the Kingdom of God that are not often taught in this valley. At least I do not know they are taught. How could I? Most of those teachings are done within the walls of different churches than the one I attend. The point is that in dividing ourselves we have also limited ourselves, to our common loss.

As mentioned above, from time to time, I have been called to lead. Another of those times seems to be developing right now. For the past 3 1/2 years I have been leading a group of men who are trying to apply Biblical principles to their struggle against addictions of various stripes. Lately, we have seen some very good progress. I could give at least a couple reasons for that, but it does not seem necessary at this point. However, to validate another point mentioned above, unless you have been in the groups and classes at the rescue mission where I teach, you have no idea what I have been teaching. The families and friends of the men I teach see the effects of that teaching on their loved ones, but they do not know exactly what the teaching is. It is very gratifying to hear that some of them want to learn the same things. I even had a man enter the program within the past month who came specifically because of the change he had seen in his brother. It is too early to tell, but the two of them might, just possibly, be part of something the Holy Spirit spoke to me over 25 years ago.

Right now I am more following than leading, but there are also people following me. My challenge is to maintain both positions with integrity and the utmost excellency I am able to achieve. I know the devil does not like me. I know everyone who claims to be a Christian will not always act like one, me included. That does not mean I stop trying. This is sounding like a ramble to me. When that happens, I just stop. As I do that, let me say, if you are not currently called to lead, follow diligently. If you cannot do that, just get out of the way until you are able to catch up.

1 comment:

  1. I've grown up in ministry, and often have a hard time seeing the forest for the trees... so allow me a measure of patience while I risk rambling in an effort to process some of what you are saying.
    I believe I'm in a season of learning and leading as well. I'm feeling challenged to step up my role as a Godly father, husband and layperson. I like the quote: "If you think you are a leader, look around. If no one is following, you are just out for a walk" well I have often found people following me when I didn't think I was going Anywhere... at least not consciously that is. Only God really knows.
    You know how every now and then someone will ask you to give account of your spiritual gifts? I’ve always hated being asked that. Whether that stems from a fear of not measuring up, or a lack of security in my identity in Christ is to be seen but recently, while searching for answers to the identity in Christ question, I have been blown away.
    I’ve grown up having perfect strangers who I guess (or hope) have a prophetic gifting express their excitement at what God would do through me some day. This has lead me to wonder in my mid-to-late 30’s if I have missed the mark. I felt a calling on my life when I was in my teens and early twenties, coming back from growing up on the mission field. My wife and I have worked with MKs for years (over 10 year myself) and now I’m having to redefine … or listen for Gods redefining of my calling. Some many rabbit trails there…
    Another quote I liked was: “I can teach anyone who is willing to learn and I can learn from anyone who is able to teach” I don’t think I have been very teachable these past 20 years,,, at least not to Godly things.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    Attending: New Community in Glendora CA
