Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Cause and Effect

In the physical world we are pretty good at understanding cause and effect. We know, for example, that if we do not take care of our bodies, we will suffer various health issues. Likewise, if our car breaks down, we can often trace the problem to a lack of proper maintenance. Most of still have a problem believing that if a butterfly flaps it's wings in an Argentine rain forest the effects will be felt very far from that butterfly. Although, of course, that action is a micro-example of the chaos theory which is used to determine the effects of seemingly random occurrences. I really do not know exactly what I am talking about there, but I hope it sounded good.

When it comes to the world of the spirit, that realm where God lives and functions, we are a lot less capable. We tend to think things just happen and sometimes there is simply no explanation for them. We see things happen in the physical world and often do not consider that we are seeing things with spiritual roots or origins. We need to clear that misconception up right now. Nothing happens for unexplainable reasons. The closest that concept comes to reality is if we change a few letters and make the word "unexplained" rather than "unexplainable". Sometimes we simply do not know the reasons. God always does. Not only does He know the reasons things go right, He knows the reasons things go wrong. If we are able to tap into the Spirit of God, we then become privy to things that are beyond our scope of knowledge or understanding.

The purpose of this blog is to make The Church in Santa Maria aware of the presence of a religious spirit over this valley. We are delighted to have people reading and praying and agreeing with us to win the victory in seeing this spirit vanquished. It is interesting to us that, at least to this date, we have not had a backlash from the religious spirit, or have we? I am doing a little "writing therapy" right now. I do not expect to hit the publish button before I go back to bed. It is shortly after 1 AM. I do not do well with much of anything at this time of day. Right now I have an unusual amount of stress to deal with. I will not give details except to say yesterday's staff meeting, my email box, and a bunch of whining from adult men almost did me in yesterday. I actually got angry for a moment and said something I had to apologize for. That has not happened for awhile. That is either confirmation of my humanity or spiritual warfare or maybe both.

Remember, the religious spirit is insidious and entrenched to the point that people who know there is spiritual warfare going on think they are winning. In fact, there can be no victory as long as the religious spirit is holding the reigns. It allows a victory here and there such as happened recently when a large church was given a very large check to pay off the mortgage on their building. God is still working. Make no mistake about that. He could simply wave His hand and vanquish the religious spirit. He does not work that way. He works through His Church to accomplish His will on the earth. He is literally waiting for us.

We have given a lot of information over the past several months about the religious spirit, it's works, and a little bit about how to defeat it. This will be the 47th post to this blog. God bless you if you have read them all! Something tells me that number 50 will be somehow significant. I hope it is the Holy Spirit I am hearing. The stress I mentioned earlier is either going to cause things to get better where we are or move us along to who knows where. It is almost time to rise up and join the battle.

I just received an email from Dani Johnson inviting me to her Los Angeles seminar. I am not going, but part of me would certainly like to. Dani is an awesome business woman and carries a definite, prophetic anointing as well. I mention that because, as a business woman, she mentioned in the email that it takes around ninety days of hard work to know if you are going the right direction in a new business venture. We know we are going the right direction in this spiritual venture. So far we still do not know how well what we are doing is working. We are simply being faithful to our plan, which is to do as the Holy Spirit directs. We are just not quite sure at this point what the next step is. We will be giving definite strategies for winning spiritual warfare possibly as soon as the next post. One thing about being led by the Holy Spirit is there is no point in concerning ourselves with the future because He is holding it and only revealing it at the proper time. I suppose we could worry about it. You know, just because it is unknown and all, but what a futile, waste of time that would be. God has it all under control and His promise is that He will cause everything to work together for our good. (Romans 8:28)

I am not sure whether to call this an exhortation, a word of encouragement, or perhaps even a little bit of comfort. Then again, what is in a name anyway? (That was William Shakespeare was it not?) We are going the right direction. It looks like this time is the time to come together as those who see the battle. Others will join one or two at a time. We might even win the battle and no one will know what happened, how it happened or who was involved. Who said, "It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit."? Oh yes, it was President Harry S. Truman. He was president when I was born, you know. See you soon. God bless.

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