Friday, August 6, 2010

Perhaps I Should Clarify

I had a gentleman read my blog earlier in the week. He started somewhere around post 60, I think, from what he said. Missing the context of what went on before, he seemed to think I was attacking certain people in these pages. I am pretty confident those of you who have been reading the blog all along do not think that, but perhaps it is time to review some things in that regard.

This blog was started in direct response to the direction of the Holy Spirit that I have been called to expose and help defeat the religious spirit that rules the Santa Maria valley. It seemed obvious to me then as it does now that I would be recording my journey through that assignment as well as letting you know what needed to be done and thereby mobilizing anyone who cared to join the battle.

I do not criticize people--often. Sorry, that was getting close to being a fib. (Polite term for lie, i.e., sin.) Anyway, I do try to not criticize people. I observe, evaluate, and report facts. For example, if someone does something dumb and I say they did something dumb, that is reporting. I report after I have observed and evaluated. My wife tells me I process out loud too often and sometimes in front of people who do not need to be made custodians of the information. She, by the way, is not the first person who has said that. Perhaps I should take it under consideration. (I trust you did not miss the tongue in cheek nature of that last sentence?)

I am working on not telling everything I know lest I embarrass someone who does not need to be embarrassed. For example I have not told you about... Just kidding. My problem is that when one talks and writes as much as I do, and knows as little as I do, some errant words are bound to land on a page or fly into the air. That kind of reminds me of Proverbs 10:19, "In the multitude of words, sin is not lacking." (I like to prove scripture whenever I can.)

Having said those things, let me also say, I was accused, once again, of possibly being a prophet. Oh please. (God?) I seem to know things most other people do not know. Does that make me a prophet? Conversely, other people seem to know things I do not know. I used to tease my mother, in her later years, of remembering things that never happened. I think she really did.

One of the ways God showed me to recognize the workings of a religious spirit is to discern the lies that are being told about His people. I work with drug addicts, alcoholics, and criminals. Some of them are even in my program. (Insert silly laughter here.) Sometimes it is very difficult to know the truth of what is being said. Sometimes it seems impossible. I have taken the approach of not believing anything about anyone until I see it for myself. I am not the person to come to if you want justice because you feel you were wronged. My default is to ask how that happened to you if you were truly walking in love toward the person you feel wronged you? (Uh oh, too close to home. Subject change in 5, 4, 3, 2,..)

I report. I do not get offended. I honestly believe am unoffendable. You can be stupid if you want. Have I mentioned the time I was in a judge's chambers and he insulted me in front of a whole group of other program providers, and various and sundry members of law enforcement and the judiciary? I had made a suggestion I thought reasonable. He did not think it was. Rather than saying that, he made an oblique reference to my understanding of the law or, in this case, my lack thereof. My first thought was soulical. He should not have done that. That was rude! My second thought, perhaps more spiritual was, he is the judge. I am in his chambers. He can do whatever he wants. By the way, I have testified in his court since then and consulted on other cases with him. I think he respects me in some, small measure. We do not always agree, but then neither one of us gets any kind of reward for agreeing with each other. I had a probation officer tell me a few weeks ago that she understood we were not going to agree on everything and that was a good thing. That makes for a better chance that justice will ultimately be served.

I know our battle is not against people. It is against spirits. (That might be one of those things I know that lots of people tend to forget.) In this blog, we are particularly battling against the religious spirit that rules the Santa Maria valley. Earlier posts to this blog give a wealth of information as to the workings of a religious spirit. It should be noted that sometimes, people or organizations outside this valley assist the spirit, however unwittingly they might do that.

It is estimated that between 18 and 22% of the people in this valley attend church on any given Sunday morning. We will know we are winning the battle when that number rises to 30% then 40% and miracles become so routine we begin to expect them. Yes, it can happen. I am in the battle until it does. By the way, I have a new ally. I cannot tell you about him yet. I am not quite sure he knows it himself. In the meantime, the Lord is gathering more mighty men around me. I am not going to name them yet. It might go to their heads. (If you know who you are, let me know.) (Sometimes I crack myself up.) Later saints, servants, and disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ! God bless!

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