Sunday, June 19, 2011


The late Dr. Howard P. Courtney was one of the unforgettable characters in the Foursquare organization. The last time we saw him, he was well into his eighties. According to my best information, he lived to be 98 years old. At that last, chance meeting, Dr. Courtney told my wife and me that, at his age, most of his ministry was being carried on by the hundreds of men and women he had taught and trained in his earlier years. This writer is now old enough to perhaps understand a part of what Dr. Courtney was talking about.

Last week, I was sort of invited--sort of invited myself--to join a couple men with whom we had some ministry experiences over twenty years ago. One was a member of a group we led; the other our assistant leader in another group. I found out they had been meeting on a regular basis for fellowship. It was delightful to join them. We had a great time for almost two hours as we all caught up on each others lives and ministries. The meeting was a divine appointment, but for different reasons than I might have thought.

Our meeting broke up when a father and daughter sat down across the room. One of men recognized the daughter as a student at the school where he teaches. He wanted to go and greet her. I recognized the father as a man I had met a couple other times so I went over to re-introduce myself. I remembered that he was a musician, but could not even remember his name. As it happens, the members of the therapeutic community have been praying that someone would come along who would be willing, and able, to lead some worship at our Saturday evening gatherings. I would like to tell you that I immediately asked this man if he would consider being that person. I often have to do things the most difficult way possible. This was no exception.

I left the restaurant and was about halfway home before it occurred to me the man I had happened across might be the answer to our prayers. Of course, I did not have a way to contact him nor did I even know his last name. A quick call to our common friend did not help, although he did say he would try and find a telephone number--and he gave me a last name. Facebook to the rescue. I looked him up on Facebook and sent a message, asking him to call me. He did. I invited him over for a conversation, presented my idea, and he seemed eager to accept the challenge. He starts Saturday, June 18, 2011 as the Lord allows. He actually committed, on a trial basis, for a few weeks to be sure it is the right thing for him.

I spent way too much of my time, in my earlier years, waiting for someone to recognize my talents and offer me a ministry position. I actually thought I needed someone other than Jesus to do that. To be just a little charitable with myself, my only real misunderstanding there was thinking the "ministry" entailed a title, like pastor or director of Christian education, and a salary. I love teaching. I love the look on student's faces when they get it. Were it not for the organizational powers that be wanting me to give up part of my teaching ministry to serve tables (Acts 6:2), I would probably still have a title and a salary.

Teaching at the rescue mission was a delight, but there is much more real ministry going on around me now, and there is more to come in the near future. (Do not ask me what I am talking about here. I really have no idea. I had to admit to our new worship leader that we are really not sure what we are doing. Should I be concerned that he understood what I meant?)

We sometimes have grandiose ideas of what "ministry" means. God has a ministry for each one of us to fulfill. In fact, we are the only person who can fill that particular ministry. God did not build a lot of redundancy into The Church. We are not interchangeable parts. As my good friend, James Baxter says, "We are all individuals. We are not just parts of a group."

When we look back on our lives, we probably have done nothing the world will remember. There are, however, perhaps even hundreds of people who believe their lives are better for having walked this sod with us for some season in their lives. The number of those who have received eternal life as a result of our ministry is probably into three figures anyway. I just realized that could sound like we are done, or at least winding down. Not a chance. In fact, I believe I heard the Holy Spirit say this morning that my best days are still ahead. Bring them on Lord!

It has taken so long to finish this post that Ray (the worship leader mentioned above) has already debuted. It was great! He made a difference in the meeting with his voice, his guitar, his sense of worship, and his very presence. Something great is beginning to happen here. Something great can happen where you are too. The only advice we can give is the same advice Christians have been giving to new Christians down through the ages. Read your Bible to get to know God. Pray to find out what He is saying to you, and fellowship with like-minded believers so we can all grow together in the love and life of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. God bless.

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