Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Sense of Destiny

Is it just me or is there something afoot in the spiritual realm? For the past couple or three weeks it seems every time I have the chance to ponder what is going on, I have a sense of something going on behind the scenes that I cannot quite put my finger on. It is as though something is approaching that will make an impact on the way things are in our lives. We pray it is something good and not something God will have to turn for good. Whichever way that goes, we know it will be an exciting, growth experience. Were we to take a guess, God is about to put the next step in place for our victory over the religious spirit we are battling.

Eight days ago there were two minor earthquakes in California in the same day. We say they were minor because neither of them caused any apparent damage and were not even considered newsworthy events. They were each in the 4 point range on the Richter Scale, but were in less populated areas. The only reason we even know about them is the first one hit almost exactly 5:30 AM and shook our bed. We looked it up on the internet and sure enough, it was the first of two that hit that day.

Pastor Jack Hayford says that when there are things happening in the spritual realm, they are often accompanied by seisimic activity. It is as though the creation is in travail, groaning with birth pains. (Romans 8:22) For the time being, we are pondering the earthquakes and being attentive to what the Spirit is saying and doing. We all know spiritual insight is sometimes better than at other times. It seems like something is happening, but the what of that is still hidden. In the meantime, we must be about our Father's business as best we can.

It seems almost daily some kind of distraction comes along that seeks to change our direction. Some of those things are minor and some not so much so. Taking a day to attend meetings at headquarters is a minor, expected distraction, but a distraction nonetheless. I certainly did not do much blogging that day although I did get home with some new material as stated in the previous post. We also had two sets of out of town guests and two one-time functions to attend this week. Those are good things, the kinds of things that add the variety and spice to life. There was also the distraction of a friend being admitted to the hospital for a psychiatric evaluation after some kind of episode in which she trashed her apartment in the middle of the night. That kind of thing is not expected nor enjoyable. We have also been solicited for three business opportunities in the past few weeks. These are things that may or may not lead anywhere, but would definitely require some investment of time. We were close to losing our focus in each case and pursuing something that might have been good at the possible risk of not continuing to do what the Lord has called us to do.

I really never have liked the idea of destiny. It just sounds too much like someone has already planned out our destination and there is nothing we can do to avoid it. Where is the free will in that? I think I am learning that having a destiny is similar to a football player taking a kick off and trying to run it into the opposite end zone for a score. The goal is set before us. All we are trying to do is get there the best way we know how. Thankfully as Christians we do not have to get there the best way we know how. We have a coach high up in the sky, as it were, with a view of every obstacle to our success. It is He who can and will guide us moment by moment and step by step to our destiny. We have trouble seeing the goal line because of the monsters between us and it. (Still sticking with our football analogy here.) We have already shared in previous posts about some of the times we have been knocked off course. That is why it has taken so long for us to get to this place, wherever we actually are. The good news is, we are still standing! At this time we have a sense that our destiny is in the process of manifesting itself for good or for better. The battle is about to be joined in full force. We have been assured in our spirits of ultimate victory. It simply does not matter what comes between now and then. We are already winners. All of us are already winners. The battle set and we already know the outcome.

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