Saturday, January 22, 2011


It must be something psychological, but I am pretty much worthless on Friday evenings. For some reason, about the time the sun goes down on Friday, my week is over. I rarely have trouble going to sleep, but Fridays I never do. Sometimes I do have trouble staying asleep, but not usually on Friday nights. This morning is a exception to that rule. Usually when I awaken and cannot go back to sleep, it is because my mind has kicked into high gear. This morning, the Holy Spirit would not let my mind get a word in edgewise. I got so excited I almost woke my wife. I knew she would not appreciate it so here I am, writing in the dark. (Hopefully only literally.)

For the past little while now, something spiritual has been happening around me that is unique in my experience. I can see the picture in my mind's eye, but I do not even know how to describe it. People are coming to join me and it is lifting me up so I am doing something that seems like walking on water. I know God is putting something together, but I am not exactly sure what it is.

Michael Belzman, Ph.D., is the founder and president of the Association of Christian Alcohol and Drug Counselors. He thinks he is something of a regular guy. In fact, he is one of the most awesome men I have ever met. He is one of those rare men who is highly intellectual, but does not let that get in the way of his spirituality. In a recent telephone conversation, we were discussing the role of intellect (soul) in whatever work God has called us to do. I was trying vainly to make the point that we all have minds to use in that work. He said words to the affect of, "David, whenever we think we bring anything to the table, we are fooling ourselves." Ouch!

All my life--all my adult life anyway--I have tried to make things happen. My fingerprints are all over the place. I will not bore you with the details. They are not really relevant here. With just a couple exceptions, every place my fingerprints are, things did not work out as well as the might have. (Yes, I am being generous with myself. Some of them were disasters.) This time I can say with the Psalmist, "This was the Lord's doing: it is marvelous in our eyes." (Psalm 118:23) I do not know exactly what He is doing, but I will soon, maybe before I finish the batch of posts He is speaking to me about right now.

I ran cross-country and track in high school. I qualified for varsity and should have won at least one letter in each sport, but that is another story. I was by no means the fastest, but also not the slowest. I think I have a reasonable intellect. I was telling a group recently that of the now 11 people in my immediate family circle, my IQ probably ranks in the lower half. (I added in the two grandsons who are now 3 and almost 1 to lift me in the rankings.) Praise God, I found a verse of scripture that shows me I still qualify to do what God has called me to do. I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong... (Ecclesiastes 9:11)

I have learned from several experiences that when my fingerprints are on something it is always lacking. I am making a conscious effort to keep my hands off whatever this is that God is putting together right now. It is going to be great. Of that I have no doubt. In fact, it will answer a lot of questions we have had about our life to this point.

In one of his weekly broadcasts recently, Kenneth Copeland was relating how God began working in his life before he had any idea who God is. He explained that he had said or done things he thought were momentary and fleeting. Now, looking back, he could see God had impressed him to do those things. Just one example is that, while he was still a young boy, God had given him the vision to be an airplane pilot. He recalled a time he had told his father he was going to be an airplane pilot when he grew up. I suppose most of us do that. It seems to be a child-like thing to do. When we understand the spiritual power of our words, we know He calls us to speak what He wants us to do so He can set it into motion at the proper time. My wife has been speaking about a place of refuge and rest for weary Christian warriors for years. That is now on the verge of being manifested. More on that later. That is one of the things the Holy Spirit spoke to me about an hour ago.

We are entering into something new, something miraculous, something God is putting together. We are praying for a half million dollar house. We do not have a half million dollars. God does. I wonder, if you think about it, would you join us in that prayer? I do not know where we go from here, but that does not matter. God is doing it and I am enjoying walking on the water.

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