Saturday, January 22, 2011

A New Paradigm for The Church In Santa Maria, CA

A few months ago, when I was doing some continuing education for my drug and alcohol certification, I came across a module about the concept of Therapeutic Community. The term stuck in my mind. As I meditated on that over time, it seemed like a better and better idea. I even think there might be a place to establish one locally. The property is for sale quietly because the current occupants are not quite ready to move and it would take some extensive remodeling to make it work, but it seems like a very good place to do that. As an added bonus, it just, coincidentally, happens to be a piece of property the Holy Spirit spoke to me about in 1988. (Or was it '87?)

For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about when I say, "Therapeutic Community" let me explain briefly, but with enough detail so you hopefully understand. The concept is that anyone who feels the need to have a safe place to live and grow can join a community of believers who are on the same path. It is a place where, men, women, and families can live and learn Christian principles from those who are further along in the faith then they are. Funding is provided by those who can work going out to work while those who cannot, for whatever reason, stay at the community and do the daily chores. Obviously there would need to be an appropriate balance so all the needs of the community are met. Additionally, there are people, foundations, etc. outside the community who would graciously give to the community because they believe in the concept and want to help those who need the help. There would also be opportunity for the community itself to generate income through any number of home-based businesses. Let us not forget it is God who has promised to provide all our needs. Money should not be an issue.

When one reads the closing verses of Acts 2, the concept of community is readily evident. The very first Christians lived that way out of choice. We are detached from those people by 2,000 years, but the concept is still viable, and desirable, for many people today.

It is interesting that when a Therapeutic Community is established, it would most certainly be considered to be a para-Church ministry, i.e., it would not be considered to be a part of The Church at all, but rather, a ministry that comes alongside The Church to do something The Church is not doing. That does not even sound as ridiculous as it really is when I read it back to myself. We must ask ourselves at this point, what constitutes The Church and why are some ministries relegated to second-class, para-Church status? Would the Therapeutic Community have to be attached to a church to actually be part of The Church? I does make one pause to wonder does it not? Although, it is probably much better to be thought of as para-Church than a cult. That would probably be the alternative. I wonder if Jesus likes what He sees when He looks at a church that does not look very much like The Church He died for? I did not mean to get quite that heavy. (Do you believe that? If you are not sure, look up the word "facetious" in any dictionary.)

The Celebrate Recovery program rightly understands that it is not only drug addicts and alcoholics who need to recover, or take hold, for the first time, the abundant life Jesus promised us. (John 10:10) We all have hurts, habits, and hang-ups that we need to deal with. For those whose problems, whatever they may be, keep them from functioning independently in life, the Therapeutic Community may be exactly what they need to get them where they want to be. The community would not have time frames for participation. People would enter when they want to and leave when they feel they are ready.

The psychological construct for a Therapeutic Community envisions anywhere from 25 to 150 members. Those numbers are too large for me to wrap my mind around at this point. Perhaps we will have the opportunity to attempt something on a smaller scale and see how it works. I am thinking maybe that is what the Holy Spirit is saying we need and that is what He is putting together. Stay tuned.

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